Olympos blueberries – ZEUS

General information:

Medium-early variety with good yield. Fruits mature few days earlier than Calipso. Big, tasty, sweet and aromatic fruits gathered in loose clusters. Characterised by light-blue colour of fruit and extremely good shelf-life. It may turn out to be one of the best commercial varieties.


  • yield – ~10t/ha
  • size – 20 mm
  • firmness – great firmness
  • taste – sweet-sour
  • fruit color – light-blue
  • shelf-life – extremely good
  • ripening period – medium-early
  • other characteristics – loose clusters

Parameters and measurements:

 Fruit size [mm]Fruit weight [g]Hardness [N]Firmness [S]BRIXHarvest period
CALYPSO PL18,492,834,4081,3713,7517.07-10.08