Blueberry offer – varieties, description and photos

Highbush blueberry

Highbush blueberry is a fruit bush that grows to between 0.6 m and 2 m depending on variety. Its fruit is blue, sweet but sometimes lightly sour, and very tasty. Blueberry fruit contains Anthocyanins with anti-oxidising properties, folic acid, anti-oxidants and egalic acid. These properties help remove excess free radicals, responsible for many civilisation diseases, including several cancers, from the human body. Nothing comes close to blueberry fruit in this respect. These beneficial characteristics qualify blueberry as the fruit of the 21st century. The bush thrives in acidic soil e.g. peat or spread sawdust.

Material offered in following containers:

Highbush blueberry varieties sorted by fruiting time:

Highbush blueberry Bonifacy
Polish culture variety. Very tasty, medium size fruits. Starts fruiting from beginning of August. The shrubs are very resistant to diseases.

Highbush blueberry Toro
New variety with big, aromatic, tasty fruits that mature at the same time, few days earlier then Bluecrop. Fruits gathered loosely in long clusters looking like grape clusters. Very promising variety. Fruits of Toro are well known as the best for the direct consumption. This variety is suitable for industrial plantings and mechanical picking.

Highbush blueberry Chanticleer
Very fertile variety of average growth strength and upright habit. Fruit – medium size, sweet and sour. One of the earliest maturing varieties of blueberries with a long period of fruiting. Blooms late, after the Spring frost.

Highbush blueberry Bluetta
Very early and fertile variety. Fruits medium- size, dark violett, very sweet. Bushes medium- size, dense, reach height up to 1,5m. Very frostresistant, but because of early blossoming fruiting buds can freeze.

Highbush blueberry Earliblue
The bush is characterised by moderately strong, extensive growth. This variety bears fruit very early – 10 days before Bluecrop. The fruits ripen successively and are covered with a strong, blue coating, are aromatic, tasty, very sweet, and large to medium in size. Fruit from late harvests can be tiny and only suitable for direct consumption. The main advantages of this variety are its high fertility, early fructification and high resistance to frost. Cultivators vary in their opinions with some complaining about its weak taste and uneven fructification and others praising the high prices it can fetch on account of being harvested early.

Highbush blueberry Duke
This variety ripens a few days prior to Bluecrop. Fertile. The plant has strong growth and a loose, spherical habit. Regular clearing is required for good crops. The fruit varies in size and is collected in bunches. It is firm, very tasty, and covered with a rich, waxy coating. It is suitable for both processing and direct consumption. It is comparable to the Bluecrop variety, according to American data. It is currently considered the best early fruit variety in Western Europe.

Highbush blueberry Spartan
The fruit ripens early, a few days after the Earliblue variety, but the flowers blossom late, which reduces the risk of ground-frost damage. The fruit is large, slightly flattened, and dark blue with an ashen coating. It is sweet, lightly sour, very tasty and aromatic. Growth is moderately strong and the bush is frost resistant. Good fruiting requires light soils, correct pH and proper fertilisation.

Highbush blueberry Puru PBR
New Zealand variety cultured with Earliblue and Bluecrop. Dense habit. Fruits are bigger and harder than Earliblue. Medium growing and fruiting early in the season. Its known for high fertility (6-9 kg per shrub). Requires sunny positions. Completely frost resistant.

Highbush blueberry Patriot
The bush grows to 120-180 cm with an upright habit. The fruit begins to ripen at the beginning of July. The variety is very fertile and its large, high quality berries (49 berries/0.25l) are tasty and have a strong peel. The first crop must be harvested manually, although later crops can be harvested mechanically. The fruit of later crops is slightly smaller (65 berries/0.25l). The variety thrives in sunny and warm locations. It also fruits well in heavier soils. Recommended for amateur breeding and for plantations. Frost resistant up to -34°C and also known for its resistance to Phytophtora cinnamonii.

Highbush blueberry Baby Blues

Slow growing variety bred by Chad Finn and Oregon State University, distinguished by high frost resistant (-25˚C), dense, tight habit (grow up to 150-200 cm). Fruits are rather small, very tasty and sweet. (weight bellow 1gr). Very abundant fructification.

Highbush blueberry Bluejay
This variety grows very strongly. Older bushes have an extensive habit. The fruit is medium sized, light blue, aromatic, and clustered in loose bunches. Ideal for preserves. Ripens at roughly the same time as Bluecrop. One of the main advantages of the variety is its suitability for mechanical harvesting. It is resistant to frost and disease and is not vulnerable to antracnosis [fruit rot]. Requires intensive pruning and watering.

Highbush blueberry Goldtraube
Delicious blueberry variety, blooms in mid-summer. Perfect for freezing, does not lose the flavour. The fruit does not paint your mouth. Grows better when there are a few of them around. Fast growing variety with fruit larger than the average blueberries.

Highbush blueberry Sierra
A promising novelty! Bears large and tasty fruit. Distinguished from other new varieties by its abundant fruiting over a period that starts several days before Bluecrop.

Highbush blueberry Bluegold
Early variety, classified as weakly growing. Proliferates easily, produces large flat fruit with green waxy bloom. Recommended for amateur cultivation.

Highbush blueberry Chandler
A sensational novelty! Large, tasty, light blue fruit with a diameter of around 2 cm. Very fertile. Fruit ripens successively. Fruiting period lasts from 4 to 6 weeks, beginning in mid July and ending in the second half of August. Some sources quote a significantly later fruiting period – until mid September. The fruit is not suitable for storage and is easily damaged during transportation. The bushes are upright, properly branched. Moderately strong growth, ca 150 cm. One drawback may be insufficient resistance to frost in Polish conditions. Further observation is required.

Highbush blueberry Bluecrop
Bushes grow strongly to 160-200 cm, have a spherical habit, give abundant fruit and have a tendency to spread. The variety is fertile with bushes yielding 4-9 kg of berries. The fruit is large (65 berries/0.25 l), spherical, even in size, clustered in bunches, and covered with a rich waxy coating. Suitable for both manual and mechanical harvesting. The flesh is greenish, firm, moderately aromatic and wine-sweet. The fruit ripens around the middle of July. The advantages of the variety are its low susceptibility to drought and sufficient resistance to frost (-28°C to -34°C). One downside is a tendency for very abundant. This reduces the size of the fruit unless fully fruiting bushes are thoroughly pruned.

Highbush blueberry Legacy
Variety with big tasty fruits. Among novelties this variety has abundant fructification. The shrub grows strongly. Light blue fruits suitable for immediate consumption and for processing.

Highbush blueberry Hardyblue
Very fertile variety, maturing at the same time as Bluecrop, but one can gather fruits in shorter time. Bushes are high, upright, spreading, adpated to various types of soils. The fruits are medium size, very tasty, sweet-sour. Variety recommended for mechanical harvesting.

Highbush blueberry Bonus
Strong growing variety with good fructification. Fruits are very big (diameter 2 cm), sweet and tasty. It bears fruit in the first half of August. Variety known for a very high-frost resistance – up to -34°C.

Highbush blueberry Nelson
Very fertile, quite late ripening variety, about 1-2 weeks later than Bluecrop. Strong growing shrub with dense habit. Very large, bright, slightly flattened fruits with an intense aroma, could be easly transported. Variety known for a very high-frost resistance – up to -34°C.

Highbush blueberry Meader
Very fertile variety of big strong growth, expansive habit and rigid stems. Fruit – very big, tasty, suitable for processing. It bears fruits in late July and early August. Variety known for a very high-frost resistance – up to -34°C.

Highbush blueberry Brigitta
Australian variety. Bushes exhibit strong growth and enter their full fruiting period early. The fruit is large, tasty, firm and of excellent quality. The variety fruits late but simultaneously, allowing for mechanical harvesting. Fruit can be stored for a long time under controlled conditions. The variety is very promising and is particularly recommended for commercial plantations.

Highbush blueberry Pink Lemonade
A variety unique among highbush blueberries, pink fruit color. The shrub grows slowly up to 1.5 m in height. Compact, very dense habit. Glossy oblong leaves. The fruit is small, sweet and aromatic, in the mature phase it turns dark pink. Late-fruiting variety – end of August and September. In autumn the leaves turn gold and red. Experience shows that fruiting takes place only after several years.

Highbush blueberry Darrow
This variety fruits later than the Bluecrop variety (late July – first half of August). Growth is weak to moderately strong. The fruit is very large, flattened, and covered with a light waxy coating. The flesh is firm, wine-sweet and aromatic, but only tasty when fully ripe. The main advantage of the variety is its high fertility. Unfortunately, there is a danger that some of the fruit may not reach full maturity before the onset of autumn ground-frosts during cold summers.

Highbush blueberry Elizabeth
This is a variety valued in Western Europe for its late fruiting. It is considered to be one of the tastiest. The Elizabeth variety fruits very abundantly and the fruit is dark. It is especially recommended for commercial plantations. Some of the fruit cannot reach full maturity before the arrival of ground-frosts in Poland. Growth is strong and extensive.

Highbush blueberry Elliott
A very fertile variety. Growth is strong and compact. The fruit is medium in size and very waxy. The variety fruits very late, starting in the middle of August. Some of the fruit may fail to ripen. The fruit will keep for up to 2 months in cold storage but will lose its taste if refrigerated too long. Despite this drawback, it is very commonly cultivated in western countries. More testing is required to find the best atmospheric conditions in Poland.

Highbush blueberry Biloxi
Southern highbush variety. Plants may freeze In polish climate without covering. Fruits big, hard, pretty sweet. Fruits ripens early, gradually.

Highbush blueberry O’Neal
Southern highbush variety, ripe very early. Fruits are big, hard, sweet and pretty juicy. Straight habit. Tolerate high temperature and drought. Plants may freeze In polish climate.

Highbush blueberry Ozark Blue
Southern highbush variety with high frost resistance. Ripening late. Wide and branchy habit. Fruits are big, sweet and very tasty. Very fertile variety.

Highbush blueberry Star PBR
Southern highbush variety, perfect for warmer climates (requires a minimum of 400 hours of cooling per year). Frost resistance up to -18°C. It grows medium-strongly. Its advantage is the simultaneous ripening of all fruits, allowing to limit the number of harvests. The fruits are big, round, with good hardness. It fruits early. Star is one of the best and most popular cultivars grown in southern parts of Europe and also in places not exposed to strong frost.

Half-high blueberry hybrid Northblue
A semi-dwarf variety, this hybrid of low and highbush blueberry grows 60-120 cm. The fruit is dark blue and medium in size. The variety grows well, even in poor soils. It is particularly suitable for small allotments on account of its diminutive size and modest requirements. The variety will grow in severe atmospheric conditions and is extremely frost resistant.

Half-high blueberry hybrid North Country
The shrubs are the smallest in size of all blueberries. Height up to 45-60 cm. Dark-coloured fruit approximates with 1 cm diameter. Resistant to low temperatures. Exclusively for amateur cultivation.

Half-high blueberry hybrid Northland
Medium-early variety of half-high blueberry, grows up to 1,2m. Wide, dense shrubs which produces many stems. Very fertile. Medium size fruits, higly recommended for preserves and baked goods due to the large amount of sugar. Variety is very resistant to frost.

Half-high blueberry Putte
Natural hybrid of low-bush and high-bush blueberry. Dwarf variety, reaches 50-70 cm height. Grows in dense and compact bushes.

Patio blueberry Aino
Half-high blueberry with high frost resistance. Habit thick, compact. Fruits with a mild, sweet taste, aromatic, rich in anthocyanins. Very fertile. Recommended for amateur planting.

Patio blueberry Alvar
Half-high blueberry with high frost resistance. Early fructification period. Habit of shrub dense, low. Fruits with a mild, sweet taste, very tasty, rich in anthocyanins. Promising novelty recommended for amateur planting.

Patio blueberry Arto
Half-high blueberry with high frost resistance. Grows fast, similar to highbush blueberry. Fruits with intense sweet taste, slightly sour, aromatic, rich in anthocyanins. Recommended for amateur planting.

Patio blueberry Jorma

Half-high blueberry with high frost resistance. Yield 2-3 times in a year. Habit erect, growth strong. Fruits with a mild, sweet and sour taste, rich in anthocyanins. Promising novelty, recommended for cultivation by amateurs.

Highbush blueberry Aurora
This variety is offered in C2,5 pots only for plantation. Aurora CPVR 23937 is sold under license from Michigan State University. License fee is 0,50 EUR. Variety available from Autumn 2018.

Highbush blueberry Draper
This variety is offered in C2,5 pots only for plantation. Draper CPVR 23938 is sold under license from Michigan State University. License fee is 0,50 EUR. Variety available from Autumn 2018.

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