Blueberry and Ageing

American blueberry fruit is considered to a natural elixir of youth.

This has been confirmed by tests conducted on rats fed with American blueberry fruit. The rats exhibited a decceleration of the ageing process and retained their physical and mental fitness for significantly longer than did rats fed a regular diet. Tests conducted on mice have further shown that those fed blueberry fruit maintained better physical fitness and memory for a longer period and had strong cognitive abilities. Examining the brain functions of these mice revealed that they had far better transmission of neural cells in the brain.

Blueberry has similar effects on humans. Its anti-oxidation properties improve the functioning of the neural system by protecting neural cells against oxidative stress. The latest research shows that eating blueberry fruit accelerates the regeneration of neural cells, which declines with age, and even induces the creation of new cells. This has a positive effect on memory, slows the physical and mental aspects of ageing and improves the appearance of the skin by helping to keep it looking younger longer.